Yes, We Still Need Blasphemy Day—Especially Now

Today is International Blasphemy Day, a day when millions of atheists, humanists, agnostics, and nontheists are encouraged to openly criticize religious teachings that they disagree with and to protest the continued existence of blasphemy laws... Read More
To Drone or Not to Drone

The Air Force Times recently ran an ad signed by forty-five veterans declaring that drone warfare missions violate international law and that drone pilots and support personnel are obligated to refuse to fly. They did not paint... Read More
The Founding Millennials

Millennials–those of us born roughly between 1982 and the mid-2000s–are on the cusp of taking the reins of government. How will America handle it? That was the topic of conversation last Thursday in Washington, DC,... Read More
Looking Forward to a President Without God

Imagine the oath when the United States’ first atheist president is inaugurated: I do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of... Read More
Humanists at Dragon Con: Reason, Compassion, and Cosplay

The Flying Spaghetti Monster throwing Ramen to his devoted Pastafarians. People dressed as the entire cast of characters from Captain America posing in the middle of the hallway for a photo-op. A father and his... Read More
Raising Children in a Theocracy: Anonymous Parent Shares Personal Story of Living in Rabun County, Georgia

The American Humanist Association recently sent a letter to officials at the Rabun County School District in Tiger, Georgia, on behalf of a local parent objecting to the school district’s repeated promotion of Christianity, including... Read More
Nonbelievers behind Bars: Does the US Prison System Privilege Religious Inmates?

When religious individuals accuse atheists of having no morals, one fact atheists frequently cite is the miniscule percentage of atheists in US prisons. However, getting accurate, reliable data on the religious identities of US federal... Read More