Why Are the Poor More Religious?
Last week, the New York Times’ policy and statistics blog, The Upshot, wrote an article about the hardest places to live in the United States. The rankings, by county, included a variety of factors including... Read More
How Hedonistic is Humanism?
To commentators on Fox News, this is a no-brainer: humanism is completely hedonistic. Assuming some sort of ultimate moral authority, pundits from Bill O’Reilly to Glenn Beck to Sean Hannity to Ann Coulter to Rush... Read More
Sacrilegious Selfies: Is Taking Photos at “Sacred” Places Inappropriate?
Do you think it’s inappropriate to take a selfie at places thought by most people to be somehow sacred? Read the article and take our poll below. Earlier this year Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary announced that... Read More
Humanist Billboards Work, in Non-Mysterious Ways
I was raised as a fundamentalist Christian. When I left those beliefs behind I looked for substitute religions, each time choosing one less dogmatic and more freethinking than the last. It never occurred to me... Read More
Making Lemonade out of Greece How to Request a Secular Invocation in Your Community
Opportunities for local activism are easy to find these days, and while our plates are already brimming with important work that keeps our organizations thriving, it is rare when an opportunity comes along that requires... Read More
Greater than Ourselves: How Bonobos in Des Moines and a Medical Clinic in Uganda Are Saving Lives
John Shelby Spong, retired bishop of the Episcopal Church from New Jersey, once stated: I look at the twentieth century, which in many ways was a secular humanist century… in that very century, the emancipation... Read More
How I Became a Humanist
My name is Chris Campbell. I am twenty-three years old and I have cerebral palsy. I communicate using a computer, typing one letter at a time using a switch I control by moving my head.... Read More