HNN #19: Dar Williams & E.O. Wilson

In HNN Audio Podcast #19, our humanist advice columnist “Sweet Reason” helps acclaimed novelist and humanist Salman Rushdie take another look at religious language. Duncan Crary speaks with two-time Pulitzer Prize winning Harvard biologist and secular humanist E.O. Wilson. Jes Constantine interviews folk singer Dar Williams, winner of the “Humanist Album of the Year”. All interviews were recorded face-to-face at The New Humanism Conference hosted by Humanist Chaplaincy at Harvard on April 20-22.
Segment 1: Sweet Reason on Language for the Nonreligious
Advice Column: Molleen Matsumura, creator of the “Sweet Reason” humanist advice column, responds to novelist Salman Rushdie’s question about finding nonreligious language as powerful and beautiful as its religious equivalent.
End 10:36
Segment 2: Humanist Biologist E.O.Wilson on religion and environmentalism
Interview: Two-time pulitzer prize winning Harvard biologist E.O. Wilson speaks with Duncan Crary about his recent efforts to gain support for science among religious fundamentalists.
End 22:13
Segment 3: Dar Williams, “Humanist Album of the Year” Winner
Interview: Folk singer Dar Williams speaks to Jes Constantine about the humanist themes in her music. This segment includes live musical performances from the April New Humanism Conference hosted by the Humanist Chaplaincy at Harvard University. Songs include: “Christians and the Pagans” (live)*, “Teen for God” (live)*, and “Echoes” from the album My Better Self.
*Recordings provided courtesy of the Humanist Chaplaincy at Harvard University
End 42:24
Theme Song
I Ain’t Afraid (mp3)*
by Holly Near
from “Edge”
More about this song (HNN Theme Song).
E.O. Wilson | The New Humanism Conference | Humanist Chaplaincy at Harvard University | SIRSY | Dar Williams