The Humanist Hour #130: Sincere Kirabo on the Complex Issues of Ferguson (Part 2)

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In this episode, Kim Ellington interviews Sincere Kirabo, continuing the conversation from last week. Kirabo is a Board Member with Black Nonbelievers and a Regional Director for American Atheists. He has an insatiable thirst for knowledge and understanding, and interested only in the cerebral. Kirabo’s hope is to dissect every observation, grasp the fundamentals of executing knowledge in his daily walk, and question the very fabric of reality.
Kirabo on Skepticism:
“Skepticism goes beyond doubt or disbelief. It is not close-mindedness or being negative about every new or controversial idea. Skepticism is a process of critical thinking and analyzing evidence to determine the validity of a hypothesis. It is a rational and an open-minded process to find a conclusion that is supported by evidence. It is not used to justify preconception. It is not used to irrationally reject evidence based on a personal desire for only one conclusion.”
Sincere Kirabo’s links: