9/11 Unity Walk Welcomes Humanists

On a gloriously bright, hot day yesterday in Washington, DC, hundreds of people walked down Massachusetts Avenue visiting houses of worship along Embassy Row as part of the 9th annual 9/11 Unity Walk. The event... Read More
Crowdfunding for All—Except Women?

“It’s just been really, really painful…Sometimes the pain is so bad that I can’t get out of bed, and I can’t go to the bathroom. When I cough, it feels like my organs being shredded... Read More
Don’t Boycott this Bus! Transporting voters on megachurch buses not a constitutional violation

“God damn it white people,” commenter sowhatiswhat2 railed on the blog Fortress America last Tuesday. “Get over the fact that people of color are just as human as you are and have as much of... Read More
Scratching Heads and Knitting Bricks Secularists continue to protest the 'Hobby Lobby' decision

“I think you’re just wasting your time out there,” the customer in line said to me yesterday as I waited for coffee before heading to the Secular Coalition for America’s “Knit A Brick” march at... Read More
Atheist Group Asks Everyone to Sit Out the Pledge of Allegiance American Humanist Association launches national awareness campaign to restore “one nation indivisible”

Today the American Humanist Association launched a national campaign to encourage people to sit out the Pledge of Allegiance until the phrase “under God” is removed from it. The campaign includes YouTube video ads, as... Read More
Let Your Voice Be Heard: Why Atheist Political Activism Matters

With politicians bending over backward to appeal to the religious right and no open atheists in Congress, humanists in the U.S. can understandably feel left out of the political process. But our feelings of marginalization... Read More
The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge: Throwing Cold Water on the Power of Prayer

I have a dear friend whose mother was diagnosed with Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) about a year ago. It’s a tragic disease, and one that has existed for a long time in relative obscurity compared... Read More