Sex and Sustainability: Why Reproductive and Environmental Health Matters
AHA Advocacy Intern Mallory Kruper reports on the effects of harmful chemicals in the environment that affect women’s reproductive health—and what we as individuals can do to fix the problem. On July 11, 2013 I... Read More
The Craziest Anti-Abortion Laws in Ohio and Texas
Mallory Kruper, AHA advocacy intern, gives an alarming report on the recent anti-abortion laws passed in Ohio and Texas, making it even harder for the reproductive freedom movement. While there are many states that have... Read More
Why is the House of Representatives Science Illiterate?
America has long been known by world as one of the leaders in scientific research and innovation not just because the many famous scientists that called America home, but also because our nation has always... Read More
Man vs. Watson: The IBM Jeopardy Challenge
In 1877 Thomas Edison invented the phonograph. Ever the showman, Edison liked to demonstrate his device by allowing people to speak into the machine, after which he’d play the recording back for them. However, back in... Read More
Defending Climate Science Today
“Denial ain’t just a river in Egypt,” Mark Twain famously quipped. After almost a decade of delay in addressing the climate changes brought on by well-documented global warming, certain segments of American society are still... Read More
America the Beautiful’s Germ Warfare Rash
In his bellicose Cincinnati, Ohio, speech of October 7, 2002, President George W. Bush warned that Saddam Hussein must not be allowed to threaten America with "horrible poisons and diseases and gases and atomic weapons."... Read More