Building Bridges or Blowing Them Up? Secular Americans and the Future of Humanist Activism
Polls indicate that some interesting shifts are under way in religious life in the United States. The number of people identifying their religion as “none” has crept upward again, now hovering at around 20 percent.... Read More
The Barton Lies: The Religious Right’s Favorite ‘Historian’ Gets Hit with a Dose of the Truth
I’ve written in these pages before about David Barton, a Texas man who poses as a historian and is a hero to the religious right because of his work “proving” that separation of church and... Read More
Barrier Methods: The Church’s Ceaseless Opposition to Birth Control
I recently found myself on the air at where I argued with a staff member from the Family Research Council about birth control and its availability. I pointed out that the pill had emancipated... Read More
Stuck in the Belly of the Beast: My Trip to the Values Voter Summit
Every fall I attend a large gathering of religious right activists in Washington, DC. Launched in 2006 and sponsored by the Family Research Council and other far-right groups, the Values Voter Summit has become the... Read More
Standing Up for Science: Taking the Evolution Debate to the Next Level
I recently received an email with a headline that made me do a double-take. It read: “Science Education Triumphs in Texas.” These days, I’m not used to science education triumphing anywhere—but in Texas? The Lone... Read More
Medical Emergency: Catholic Hospitals Usurp Patients’ Rights
You can’t expect that every hospital will provide all of the medical services you’ll need. Some procedures are so specialized that you might have to travel to get them done. Conversely, some procedures are so... Read More
The Religious Right and the Tea Party: Marriage of Convenience or Just a Passing Fling?
I spent two weekends in September attending conferences sponsored by religious right groups in Washington, DC. They were nothing if not eye-opening. The first gathering was sponsored by a new group called the Faith &... Read More