Rules Are for Schmucks: The Tax Bill’s Hidden Gem

Last year’s thousand-page tax bill, on balance, probably did America a lot of harm. Your great-grandchildren will still be paying off the added federal debt burden it creates. However, most undertakings of this magnitude are... Read More
Rules Are for Schmucks: Who Says Prayer Doesn’t Work?

There are two wildly different versions of the events that occurred in Louisburg, Kansas, on November 22, 2013. Version A: Mary Anne Sause, a retired Catholic nurse living on a disability pension, had her apartment... Read More
Rules Are for Schmucks: The Ticking Time Bomb in Masterpiece Cakeshop

When the Supreme Court first released its decision in Masterpiece Cakeshop earlier this month, most commentators dismissed it as a nothing-burger. It looked like the court was simply punting on its responsibility to tell us... Read More
Rules Are for Schmucks: The DeVos Religious College Ploy

Brace yourself for the next explosion designed to shatter what little remains of the wall of separation between church and state. This time the target will be America’s religious colleges. Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos... Read More
Rules Are for Schmucks: Church Kicks Nuns in the Teeth, Tries to Bill Taxpayers

A group of elderly nuns in Nebraska was in the news a week ago, appealing a state Health and Human Services decision denying them Medicaid benefits. The Sisters of Mercy have been championing the Catholic... Read More
The Vatican’s Secret Lobby

Washington, DC, lost a cable television station last week when “RT America,” a Russian government funded operation, went dark (though it remains available via streaming and satellite). The reason for this, according to RT, involves... Read More
Rules Are for Schmucks: The Apology Double Standard

Two news items in the past few weeks reveal a regrettable double standard when it comes to criticism of religion in politics. First, there came Joy Behar, co-host of ABC’s The View. The discussion there... Read More