Bible-Thumping Democrats Should Be a Curiosity

Running in the Democratic primary for Governor of Florida, candidate Chris King has called himself “something of a curiosity in the Democratic Party” because he is strongly religious. Pro-choice, pro-immigration, and pro-separation of church and... Read More
Climate Change’s Newest Effect: Gentrification

Despite efforts to minimize humanity’s footprint on the Earth, global temperatures continue to rise accompanied by more droughts, increases in sea levels, shrinking glaciers, stronger tropical storms, and wildfires such as those currently raging in... Read More
Are Trump and the Russians in a Family Way?

When professor, journalist, and author Jeff Sharlet tweeted, “#TheNationalPrayerBreakfast is all over the affidavit for Russian spy Maria Butina,” he raised the obvious question: How did Butina and a number of her Russian colleagues obtain... Read More
Freedom of Religion, Freedom from Religion: Can They Coexist?

Find out what happens when a Center for Freethought Equality intern challenges a former Becket Fund litigator! I just finished a seminar on religious freedom and civil dialogue at the Religious Freedom Institute in Washington,... Read More
World on Fire? Grab a Bucket

In “White Privilege and Humanist Leadership,” published in the July/August Humanist, Charles Murn writes on the importance of people with white privilege stepping back so that others may lead while stepping up in other areas.... Read More
In Arizona, Religious Expression Has Another Day in Court

Let’s address the elephant in the courtroom: the Masterpiece Cakeshop decision was confusing. In analyzing and deciding the case on the fairness of the initial hearing at the Colorado Civil Rights Commission, the Supreme Court... Read More
Addressing the Problem of American Food Deserts

When many Americans think about summer, they think of holiday barbeques, sweet summer corn and ice-cream cones. What many forget—or simply don’t know—is that 1 in 8 people in the United States struggles with hunger.... Read More