Dance with the Donald What Evangelicals’ Infatuation with Trump Portends for Religion in America

With Donald J. Trump in the White House, conservative white evangelicals have never had it so good. Trump picked one of their own as his vice president, grants their media special favored access, and gives... Read More


The secular community is having a #MeToo moment. 
Some say it’s about time. Others say not so fast. In 1915 the American suffragist and writer Alice Duer Miller published a slim and delightful book of... Read More

Hard to Believe Conditions that Discredit Victims of Sexual Assault 
and Sanction Esteemed Offenders

In Greek mythology, Cassandra is the beautiful young mortal pursued by the god Apollo. To convince her to give into his advances, Apollo promises to bestow upon her the gift of prophecy. Although Cassandra is... Read More

Adrift At Sea A Clash of Cultures,
 A Question of Faith

Seven days adrift in the Indian Ocean on a broken-down motorboat, 
two American women and two Indonesian fishermen face massive swells, intense sun, and a dwindling supply of food and water. With no land in... Read More

Good or Bad to the Bone? How Human Genetics Affect Empathy

Meet Sally and Ann. Sally has a basket. Ann has a box. Sally puts a marble inside her basket and goes outside to play (where she can no longer see her basket). While Sally is... Read More