A Centennial to Reckon With: Honoring Black Suffragists

The first ballots cast by women were lauded as a giant step for womankind. Following the passage of the Nineteenth Amendment on August 18,... Read More
100 YEARS OF WOMEN’S SUFFRAGE: Celebrating a Centennial and Reckoning with the Past

In 2019, Democratic women from the US House of Representatives invoked the suffragists of a century before by wearing white to the State of... Read More
The Call of Disobedience: Lessons for Social Change from Our Feminist Foremothers

In 1878 Congress first considered a constitutional amendment that read: The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied... Read More
Secular Suffragists

Religion has long played a powerful role in the subjugation of women. As humanists who champion human agency, including the freedom of and from religion,... Read More