The Comics Section: The Great Indoors
The latest from Cagle Cartoons. The Great Indoors by Dave Whamond, Canada,
The Comics Section: Commandments and Compunctions
The latest from Cagle Cartoons. Guns and God by Peter Kuper, The Creation of AI by John Darkow, Columbia Missourian
Write a Humanist Haiku for World Humanist Day
Poetry has the power to transform minds and bring forth powerful moments of introspection. Now in its fourth year,’s annual haiku contest is back in 2023 to give our readers the opportunity to commemorate... Read More
The Comics Section: Backup Plans and Lead Feet
The latest from Cagle Cartoons. AI Unleashed by Christopher Weyant, The Boston Globe, MA Change is On by Guy Parsons,
The Comics Section: The Great Pacific Karma Patch
The latest from Cagle Cartoons. Plastic Pollution by Adam Zyglis, The Buffalo News, NY
Humanist Trek
Humanist Trek is a weekly fan podcast about the humanism in Star Trek. Sarah Ray and Allie Ashmead slingshot around the sun back to the 1960's and the very first pilot episode of Star Trek,... Read More
The Comics Section: Unsafe Places
The latest from Cagle Cartoons. No Safe Place from Guns by Kevin Siers, The Charlotte Observer, NC