Boy Scouts Take One Step Closer To Inclusivity

For many, the Boy Scouts creates a space where kids can be among friends, explore nature, and take action to improve their local community. Unfortunately, the Boy Scouts hasn’t always been open to all, unlike... Read More
So Much to Celebrate This Pride

June means many things to many people. For lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) people, June means Pride Month, when many of the world's Pride festivals and parades occur to commemorate the June 1969... Read More
Why Humanists Should Support Increasing the Minimum Wage

From reading the news, one might think that money was raining from the skies over Los Angeles last week, after the City Council voted fourteen-to-one in favor of gradually raising the minimum wage from nine... Read More
Humans, Not Monsters: The Boston Bombings, the Aurora Shootings, and the Death Penalty

Recently, two high-profile criminal trials have drawn the focus of the national media: the sentencing trial for Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, also known as the “Boston Marathon bomber,” and the trial of James Holmes, who killed twelve... Read More
It’s Official: Some Office Holders Put Reason on Par with Prayer, Others Don’t

A little over a month ago, the United Coalition of Reason (UnitedCoR) asked its groups to increase their involvement in support of the National Day of Reason, either by applying for proclamations in their respective... Read More
Will We See a Humanist in Congress in 2016?

When Senator Barbara Mikulski announced she was retiring from the US Senate in Maryland back in March, most political pundits were not necessarily shocked by the news. After ten years in the House and thirty... Read More
Madison Makes Atheists Feel Welcome

With all of the recent hullaballoo in Arkansas and Indiana about laws which may allow for discrimination based on religious beliefs against LGBTQ Americans, it’s easy to think that our country is sliding backwards in... Read More