July / August 2012
- Editor’s Note
- Nonbeliever Nation: The Rise of Secular Americans
- Evolution, Humanism, and Conservation: The Humanist Interview with Richard Leakey
- Prick the Bubbles, Pass the Mantle: Hitchens as Orwell’s Successor
- You’re Addicted to What?
- Drones in U.S. Flight Paths: What Could Go Wrong?
- Was Adam Smith a Marxist?
- Tending the Humanist Garden
- The Barton Lies: The Religious Right’s Favorite ‘Historian’ Gets Hit with a Dose of the Truth
- What Money Can’t Buy: the Moral Limits of Markets
- The Undead: Organ Harvesting, the Ice-Water Test, Beating-Heart Cadavers—How Medicine is Blurring the Line Between Life and Death
- The Social Conquest of Earth